FOXNEWS - Kim Kardashian is so familiar with her own naked body, she recently noticed a photo of her own bare breasts on an unauthorized album cover, and immediately sent her lawyers into attack mode. Turns out, two music producers -- Terrace Martin and Devi Dev -- used a photo of a woman's bare chest on the cover of their album "Terrace Martin & Devi Dev Present: The Sex EP." It just so happens the image was a close up from Kim's nude photo spread in W magazine. Kim's lawyers fired off a cease and desist letter to Terrace and Devi demanding they swap out the pic. "We cannot imagine why you thought you had the right to use this photograph without permission," the letter stated. T and D immediately replaced the photo with another woman's bare bosom, claiming they had no idea the original breasts belonged to Kim. "We didnt even know they were her boobies because obviously I don't recognize her by her nipples," Devi Dev told TMZ.
How could you not recognize those nipples? They're the most famous tits on the interwebberbloggernet. And Kim, c'mon, the picture's already out there. Just lookin' to cash in a little more before your fifteen minutes are up? America's #1 Fame-Whore.
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